Deb and Chris in Hoboken: An engagement journey.
If Deb and Chris are any indication of the couples coming my way for the wedding seasons of New York and New Jersey, I think I’ll be okay. I mean it. It’s scary to move back to your home state after almost 18 years away. Everything is familiar but also quite different. It’s nice to have two kind and gracious souls to photograph. That’s what I ask for the most, kind people who are interested in having quality photos. It’s part of my mission statement on this website! I do not want photography to be an afterthought. It’s important.
Anyway, as per usual, I digress. Spring has been a bit rough in New Jersey. Only a handful of days have been suitable photos outdoors. Luckily, this was one of the first. You felt the energy of Hoboken on this first validly spring day. Funnily enough, it was my job to make sure that the energy was all these two. This means avoiding people and using my composing skills as a photographer to make sure Deb and Chris were the only ones that mattered. There were so many people to avoid!
We started our journey at the Ainsworth, a cute little restaurant on the Hudson. Mere minutes before two arrived I was accosted but a pretty inebriated man who had a thousand questions about my cameras. That’s always fun. Thank goodness these two came and saved me. From there we visited the spot where he asked her to marry him, pier c, and meandered through Hoboken’s quaint streets. These are my favorite kind of engagement photos because they take time. They are not rushed. They are just the couple and myself getting to know each other and if a photo opp arises we take it. They practiced dipping(keep practicing you two) and I pointed out all the places to eat pastries, as per usual. We finally ended at the Hoboken train station which is BEAUTIFUL. Seriously, it’s a relic of a different time and then caught the final moments of “sun” as New York City loomed in the backdrop. I am so excited to also be photographing their wedding in November. I couldn’t ask for sweeter people, honestly. This is why I am a photographer. It’s the people that matter. I hope you enjoy.
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My personal favorite. Hair so healthy, it Debs!
Okay, close second as personal fave.
Okay, third personal favorite. Heart bokeh, completely unexpected!