Tim and Liz's "engagement" photo shoot in Weehawken, New Jersey.
The cold couldn’t stop these two cuties from their adorable shoot on the Weehawken waterfront. See all the love here.
This blog post is a little on the late side. In the beginning of December I left the states for a month in Cartagena, Colombia. I am half Colombian if my website hasn’t drilled that into your head already. I was visiting my family. That is entirely other blog post for another day. Now, I am back and ready to tackle 2020, BUT FIRST I wanted to share a session with you that I photographed right before I left. Tim and Liz were George Street clients( I am a contract photographer) but I couldn’t have asked for a sweeter pair of people. They live in Weehawken, New Jersey, just blocks away from the waterfront which gives you a lovely view of New York City. The cold winter was already upon us but they were still able to dress appropriately and still look rather dashing. Note to any brides to be, fun fairy skirts are things every person should wear. We started in the cozy warmth of their building and then ventured outside where the sun decided to cooperate at times but the cold was continuous. Liz wore these amazing red gloves as you’ll see. I think they popped the right amount of lovely red, so chic! Tim wore a classic blue blazer with a monogrammed cuff, absolutely dashing. And now I’m British. This wasn’t necessarily their engagement session but a year after their actual marriage. Regardless they displayed the love and fondness of newlyweds. Please enjoy our photo shoot “engagement” on the lovely edges of Weehawken, New Jersey. And also, if they holidays gave you a wonderful engagement it’s not too early to book the wonderful Michael Jacobs Photo . Send me a note.
Kara and Randy in Central Park and Dumbo, Brooklyn
When old high school friends call you…you shoot their engagement!
It was just a regular afternoon, like any afternoon when my phone rang from across the house. I didn’t get to it in time but I was able watch Google ridiculously transcribe the voicemail. “Hi Mike, I don’t know if you remember me but we went to school together? This is Ronald Blazer.
Ronald Blazer? That’s not real. Thankfully I am aware that Google sometimes has a problem with transcribing more than 2 syllable words. After listening to the voicemail myself I was stunned to hear not, Ronald but Randy (let’s leave last names out of this) from high school calling to inquire about needing an engagement shoot.
First of all, Randy, if you’re reading this, don’t be silly. Of course I know who you are. Randy and I were in the Lakeland High School Band together and both played trumpets and had very similar friend groups. He was definitely a pal in our awkward stages in life. I have pictures to prove it. Oh boy, do I have pictures. Though, that’s neither here nor there. Randy and his wonderful fiance Kara were doing a destination wedding but needed some quick photographs done in their fair city of New York before they tied the knot. I obliged whole heartily.
It was one of the finest days we’ve had this year. Warm, breezy and sunny. We traveled from their apartment on the upper west side into Central Park, down to Soho and finally ending at sunset in Dumbo, Brooklyn. If you’re going to do engagement photos, this is how you do them. It was great to catch up as well. These two are killing it and I’m so happy that they could share an afternoon with me. I’ll be honest Randy, you’re marrying way up. I know you know this. Enjoy Kara and Randy friends.
How could I forget talking about this adorable potato!
Magic swirly transition to evening time.
Deb and Chris in Hoboken: An engagement journey.
Deb and Chris are two sweet souls. Here is their engagement shoot in Hoboken, New Jersey.
If Deb and Chris are any indication of the couples coming my way for the wedding seasons of New York and New Jersey, I think I’ll be okay. I mean it. It’s scary to move back to your home state after almost 18 years away. Everything is familiar but also quite different. It’s nice to have two kind and gracious souls to photograph. That’s what I ask for the most, kind people who are interested in having quality photos. It’s part of my mission statement on this website! I do not want photography to be an afterthought. It’s important.
Anyway, as per usual, I digress. Spring has been a bit rough in New Jersey. Only a handful of days have been suitable photos outdoors. Luckily, this was one of the first. You felt the energy of Hoboken on this first validly spring day. Funnily enough, it was my job to make sure that the energy was all these two. This means avoiding people and using my composing skills as a photographer to make sure Deb and Chris were the only ones that mattered. There were so many people to avoid!
We started our journey at the Ainsworth, a cute little restaurant on the Hudson. Mere minutes before two arrived I was accosted but a pretty inebriated man who had a thousand questions about my cameras. That’s always fun. Thank goodness these two came and saved me. From there we visited the spot where he asked her to marry him, pier c, and meandered through Hoboken’s quaint streets. These are my favorite kind of engagement photos because they take time. They are not rushed. They are just the couple and myself getting to know each other and if a photo opp arises we take it. They practiced dipping(keep practicing you two) and I pointed out all the places to eat pastries, as per usual. We finally ended at the Hoboken train station which is BEAUTIFUL. Seriously, it’s a relic of a different time and then caught the final moments of “sun” as New York City loomed in the backdrop. I am so excited to also be photographing their wedding in November. I couldn’t ask for sweeter people, honestly. This is why I am a photographer. It’s the people that matter. I hope you enjoy.
Please, share, like, comment to your heart’s content!
My personal favorite. Hair so healthy, it Debs!
Okay, close second as personal fave.
Okay, third personal favorite. Heart bokeh, completely unexpected!
"Springtime" engagement with Mike and Meredith at Liberty State Park.
Love melts even the coldest New Jersey spring morning. I’m kidding it was cold but there was still love.
I’m starting off this blog post title with quotations because spring is definitely here as far as the calendar is concerned but they forgot to tell New Jersey about it. It’s still a tad bit cold and it seems nothing has yet to bloom. Totally alright. I make pictures regardless of the season. I met Mike and Meredith on a chilly morning in March at Liberty State Park. If you’ve ever been there you know, it’s a pretty cool place. It has all the views of New York without hopping on the Path, some beautiful trails and is right next to the Liberty Science Center. The center is a right of passage for every 3rd grader in New Jersey.
As usual, I digress. I met the lovely couple as the sun was just rising over the city. They brought their lovely little puppy Cleo too. Dogs and engagement shoots can be tricky because the couple sometimes gets very focused on getting the dog to behave. Luckily Mike and Meredith are wicked smart and enlisted the help of their friend to keep Cleo occupied when we made photographs.
I’ll be shooting Mike and Meredith’s wedding in early summer this year so it was exciting to get to know them. I feel that’s what a solid engagement shoot is, a great chance to get to know the people that will be trusting you with their future memories. I love laid back people. These two were completely awesome. I know there’s always apprehension when being professionally photographed. What do you do with your hands? How do you pose? Why is this weird man in our faces? I want none of that. I just want a fun conversation and some snaps in between to show how much you guys rock!
Liberty State Park is expansive and you can get quite a different engagement look and feel from each of it’s locations. I think we covered all our bases. In this set you’ll see some New York landscape, turn of the century train station, and seemingly the golden hues of the woods. I’m so lucky to have sweet clients. Enjoy Mike, Meredith (and Cleo!).
You have to see what he did next! Click here for the full story.
What happens when a seasoned photographer lands back in his home of New Jersey.
I sat here for a moment watching the cursor blink. What on earth should I name one of the more important blog posts I’ll be writing this year? I know! Let’s use a click bait phrase! As overused and silly as that title may seem I’m not sure there is a better one that describes what this blog post will be about. If you’ve stumbled upon me through happenstance, targeted paid ad, or just a friend stalking me, hello! I’m so happy to have you here. My name is Mike and I am a people photographer (this means I shoot almost anything involving people, most specifically weddings, boudoir, engagements and portraits). I am established in Northern New Jersey.
I’m not here to sell you anything. I simply would like to introduce you to, me. There’s so much I’d love to tell you and given the amount of space I have to write, I very well could go on for days. Though, I read that there’s about a 37 second attention span for people on new websites so I’m probably already at a deficit. Oh, the self inflicted pressure.
Time for the Cliff note’s version. Are those still a thing? I mean the internet probably obliterated that business right? I grew up in northern New Jersey about 40 minutes west of Manhattan, in a small town that could have not been farther from city life. School brought me to Boston where I lived for over a decade and a fleeting relationship propelled me to North Carolina. In my heart I have always known that I belonged in the Northeast. I’m much too honest, brash, dramatic and progressive for some southern sensibilities. I’ve now returned home to New Jersey. I’ve come back to a saturated market where everyone seemingly is a photographer. There’s so much noise and I don’t want to be a part of it. I just want to rise above, but how?
Everyone owns some type of camera. It’s usually their cell phone. More pictures are being taken than any time in history. We document nearly everything we do. Remember though, quantity doesn’t always equate to quality and I feel like the importance of photographs have lost their tread.
I want photographs to have their meaning back. I want to make tangible memories for people to hold in their hands, keep in their wallets or their walls for years to come. I want the creation of these photographs to be as fun as the pictures themselves. This world is too quick. It’s too swift with how it deals with memories. No one needs 100 pictures of their ramen. I’d argue you don’t need any. What you need is to remember the experience, how it felt to taste it, the people you were with, that moment in time. Personally, photographs should be the same. They are a representation of a moment, an experience, a time that you wanted documented.
Now that I’m in New Jersey I am seeking out clients that feel the same. I don’t want people to treat photography as an afterthought or something they just feel they need to do because that’s what the wedding industry says they need. I care about preserving your memories as much as you care about creating them. So, let me be that person who handles them with kid-gloves.
I’m not the photographer who just slaps on a filter and calls it a day. I still shoot film for a majority of my services because it’s important to slow down and think before I click the shutter. When I photograph you I want it to be a conversation. I don’t want you to feel as if a big lens is in your face. People may not always remember names but they remember how they were treated in life. So, this is me. I’m Mike and I’m a photographer that makes portraits of people, eats their wedding cake, makes them laugh when they don’t want to and makes sure they remember the lives they have lived, through pictures. Below is a sampling of my work including weddings, engagements, portraits and some boudoir. You can browse the rest of my website and see other moments I’ve captured for people and if you’d like, leave me a note. I’d love to chat. Being a photographer here in New Jersey is what I’m doing next.
P.S: This is a big and beautiful website, don’t forget to look around!
Michael Jacobs Photo gallery samples
Sing me a tune about your favorite football team.
An adorable couple get drenched with Michael Jacobs Photo…
A couple weeks ago I was given the opportunity to spend some time with two sweet people. Erica and David met me in downtown Raleigh on a questionably wet Saturday. If you are familiar with thunderstorms in North Carolina, you know they are absolutely no joke. Also, they decide to do what they want, when they want. The city seemed to be towing the line between dry and deluge with a little lightning in between. No matter, I welcome awful weather to shoot in.
We arrived at Chuck’s Burgers just in time for some droplets. It had been their first date spot a couple years ago. Who wouldn’t want to get to know someone over some tasty burgers? I apologize to my vegan and vegetarian friends. I ran into the street a couple times to capture some wide angles of them. Try and see if you can spot me in the reflection I didn’t feel the need to edit out.
We then decided to move down to the Duke Energy Center for Performing Arts. We got a free wind machine as we walked between Raleigh’s ever growing skyline. The performing arts center holds a special place for Erica as well as myself. We both sing together in the North Carolina Master Chorale and most of our performances are held there. So of course much of this engagement session included singing, or my version of singing. It’s a beautiful building that gives a direct line of sight to the capital on the other end of Fayetteville St. David was really chill about it all and I appreciated that he just wanted to be there with her. But wait, there’s more! They are a genuinely sweet and silly couple and as much as the cute moments happened, so did the goofy ones. These are the shots I live for. Nothing posed, just emotions and elation.
The weather got progressively eerie with more lightning, wind, and the thought of a downpour. So, what was the next logical step? Outfit change and then off to shoot outdoors in an open field!
We decided to drive on over to the North Carolina Museum of Art. If you haven’t been, go! It really is the gem of the Triangle. The museum’s park is art itself. I believe it’s over 200 acres of green space, sculpture, and rolling hills. Of course, it had begun to pour once we parked. You could literally see the sun and large cumulus clouds in the distance while it rained upon us. What a metaphor for life! Regardless, I knew it was a special time to shoot and as soon as the rain diminished to a light drizzle I got them out of their car. Now if you look closely, it IS raining in these pictures but I decided to go for a warmer approach to the set. Of course the rain came back as we walked to our final spot but we were able to capture THE BEST photo ever. A little rain, love and lavender. I gave David my reflector to hold over Erica’s head as we walked back to the car so her hair wouldn’t get too wet. It was a adorable moment that I feel sums up their quirky and lovely relationship. Please enjoy these images. I had such a joy making them.
And if YOU need images that last, well, you’re at my website! Send me a note!
The gentleman painting the mural was very confused as to why I wanted this picture.
Personal fave.
Notebook vibes y’all, except without the dementia and sadness.
Excuse the wet lens.
The doughnut connoisseur and the incredible flying man.
Aside from doing my own photography business, I do some contracting photography work for George Street Photo and Video. I'm sure you may have been bombarded by their ads if you are currently engaged. It is what it is, but I can't speak ill of a company that employs me on some level. Well, I can but that's not what this blog post is about. I'd like to also think they have good taste in hiring photographers. (sarcastic grin). I am basically sent clients who book me through them. I show up, do some dancing, taking pictures, and then leave. It's the same scope with portraits, boudoir, and weddings. It can be slightly impersonal. Developing a relationship with people is one of the driving reasons I am a photographer. There is just less time to do this when you're contracted to shoot things. Like I said, it is what it is, and George Street has never let me down in the quality of my clients. They continued their winning streak this week with my portrait engagement session of Zach Morris and Kelly Kapowski. Alright, their last names aren't really Morris and Kapowski but Zach and Kelly! Come on! "I'm so excited, I'm so excited! I'm so, so scared!" Alright, that quote was actually attributed to Jessie Spanow but it's still from NBC's hit teen comedy series, "Saved By the Bell." Very young millennials are very confused at everything I am saying right now. Go watch it on Youtube or something!
I met Zach and Kelly at Raleigh's Umstead Park. It's probably the largest green space of forest in the area, boasting trails, lakes and probably scary snakes. It's interesting because the last time I had been to that location of Umstead, I was in a very different mindset/place. I had just moved to Raleigh weeks earlier and it was definitely a scary time. This weekend couldn't have felt more opposite. Alright, I'll leave the psych babble for the therapist. It was cold, chilly by Raleigh standards, but the sun was shining and I was ready to make some sweet images. I was really happy that their version of "casual" was actually really cute and complimentary on the color spectrum. Trust me, when couples say they are "casual" it can sometimes mean, khakis and a TJ Maxx polo shirt. I hope you know my feelings about khakis.
Pastels on him worked amazing and her plum jeans worked well to compliment. I could already tell they were wicked adorable. Their connection was electric and the biggest smiles erupted when they were just hanging out with each other...and also if Zach saw a dog. Guys usually tend to be slightly more awkward than their female counter parts but that's okay. I think staring at the camera seems to be the most difficult thing so I try and banish that. I want couples to be with each other. There is hardly ever a reason for them to look in my direction. The minute Zach did this, he came alive with her.
I generally ask 100 questions during a shoot but since I just got to know them that day I may have asked 1,000. I just like to talk to people and I think it helps break down that wall that the camera creates when I lift it up. Speaking of camera, most of these shots are taken with the Canon 85mm f1.2 L, a love/hate lens. Some macro shots were taken with the Canon 24-70mm f4 L lens. But yes, I learned that Zach loves all things outdoors and is in the Air Force. He also has jumped out of a plane (willingly) over 100 times. My heart was racing just thinking about that. After 67 jumps does it become routine? Can you play a game of chess on your way down? So many questions. Kelly is in school to be a Physician's Assistant. She's also a hater of IPAs, yay! They are the worst beers. Fight me on it. Also, somewhat of a doughnut lover. Plus, guys, I hope if you are reading this you took my advice and stopped by "Baker's Dozen" in Cary for some deep fried apple fritter goodness. They are getting married in Colorado which is probably a good reason why I was not selected as their George Street Wedding Photographer. Oh well, may the doughnuts be with them. Zach recently had hip surgery so I wasn't going to go hiking madly with them. This still did not stop him from picking Kelly up and walking about from location to location.
I've been trying lately to put people in poses that sometimes might be considered, "only for a specific gender." I don't think it's fair that a guy has to always be "aggressive." A lady can pull her man in just as well. Or vice versa. It doesn't matter. Love is love.
There was a gorgeous tree that was already shedding its petals, so I asked Zach to shake it. It's direct midday sunlight here so thankfully Kelly was back lit and I exposed for her skin. For non photography folks, mid day sun is generally the worst. It decreases contrast, makes people squint, and overall can be pretty unflattering. Thankfully, most of our images were in open shade with the beautiful pines providing some diffusion.
Probably my favorite mini set from the shoot right here.
I wanted some crisp depth of field so I composited about 10 shots to make this. It's probably my favorite shot.
I had to go change my lens and I caught them dancing. Shame on me for putting my lens far away from me and shame on them for being cute while I wasn't taking pictures.
"You proposed, sitting down? Who are you!?" Just kidding, he did not. You'll get to see the proposal journal and book in a second.
There's our GQ stud!
"Awwh, he looks so happy! He must be looking at Kelly!" Nope, puppy.
Huge points for Pablo Neruda. HUUUUUUUUUUGE.
Note: They had already been engaged for a little while. This was more of a pictorial capture of the materials he used. These two were so lovely. You could just tell they were good people. That's important. I don't like photographing the baddies. I mean I will, but I won't talk doughnuts and beer with you. I wish them nothing but the best. Their wedding sounds like the stuff the galaxy is made out of, friends, food and love. If you are interested in talking pastries and getting some pretty pictures taken of yourselves, don't hesitate to reach out and say hello. I love new friends and I love to make photographs for you that last.
"You're going to wear those khakis Mark, and you're gonna like it!"
CONGRATULATIONS! You're engaged! Oh, my, gosh! That ring (or any other non-conformist engagement thang) is beautiful! What's next? Well, about a billion things. Luckily this blog post will be short, informative, and focus on one thing, engagement photography!!! An engagement shoot, or "e-session" as the cool kids say (they don't say that), is a great way to express to the world you're getting married. It also is the best way to get to know you as a couple before your wedding. Generally, if I'm shooting your wedding, my first experience with you as a photographer will be your engagement shoot. We can iron out all the wrinkles and get comfortable with me dancing around with a camera. I've witnessed many engagement sessions go beautifully and some...not so much. So here are some much needed tips in having an amazing first photo shoot with a photographer.
- Pick a photographer that feels like they match your style.
Sounds like a given but you would be surprised. Are you a quirky couple? Do you like studio or natural light? Dark and dramatic or light and airy? A photographer's portfolio will give you a general idea of what your shoot will be like.
2: Wardrobe, wardrobe, wardrobe!
Dress for the job you want, not the job you have. Okay wait, maybe this isn't an interview but it's definitely a chance to be impressive. I am not saying you should go out and purchase new clothing. I'm actually against that. New clothing generally makes people feel a little more uncomfortable. It's a total sensory thing. Think about what looks good on you, what makes you feel good. This goes for both bride and groom to be. Select details that sparkle or make you feel that much more special. Khakis and a polo shirt won't do it. As photographers we are here to help make things look aesthetically pleasing, so pick some options if you are in doubt and ask us!
3: Where should we do this? Make it personal.
There are tons of places that are adequate for photos. I'm sure there is a nice park or area that would work just fine but go deeper. Is there a place in the memory of the both of you that makes you smile? Maybe a coffee shop or restaurant? Us photographers do not mind asking to shoot at these places at all. Trust us, we get more "yes's" than "no's" when we inquire nicely. Pick a location that's special to you and if you don't have one, let's come up with one together.
4: "Now hug and kiss."Look like you're in love and other things that you should never be told to do.
There is nothing more unromantic than being posed. Sometimes, it may have to happen but those times should be infrequent. We don't want to tell you how to hold your partner's hand. We just want you to love doing it. Sometimes we use a telephoto (long) lens so that we aren't in your faces. We want couples to have the space they deserve to feel comfortable. If you feel awkward in front of a camera that's okay. We've got many tricks up our sleeves, like awful dad jokes, crazy stories about mexico in 1998 or even better, getting the couple to talk about themselves. The ice will slowly break.
5: Golden hour is a great hour.
If you're not familiar with the term, golden hour, it is the time before dusk. About an hour or two before sunset. These are great times to take pictures, why? The sun is low creating softer light. That light is more of a golden, reddish hue. Ah, see "golden" hour.It's a magical time for a magical couple. If we are indoors, mid day works fine but generally photos in that part of the day have less contrast and tend to look more washed out.
6: Look for inspiration
Not quite sure at the look you want? That's okay. You don't have to know all the answers. In the fashion world photographers create mood boards before shoots. You can too! Just use Pinterest. It's a great way to see ideas that you may not have readily in your head. Make it a dialogue between you and the photographer so we know what we are working toward. Remember, it's your shoot. Show us your love.
There, don't you feel better? I thought you would. It isn't scary. Engagement photos are something that should be the icing on the cake. You've done the hard part, proposing and bringing someone else into your life, this is just a pictorial celebration. Here are some of my favorite moments. Any questions, or to book your very own awesome shoot, click the booking tab on my site!