In home boudoir photo sessions: How to make your familiar space photo shoot ready
How might your home be the best place for your boudoir session? Find out now…
A boudoir photo session is no longer relegated to the bedroom. Yes, the very word “boudoir” means woman’s private quarters but the essence of the shoot can be recreated almost anywhere. Usually bookings happen in 3 places. If you are hiring a photography company a studio may be where it takes place. If you are working with a sole photographer they may book a hotel or airbnb type setting. Though sometimes a boudoir photo session can take place in the most familiar setting for you, your home. Many clients may choose their home over another location for a couple reasons.In this quick blog post we will expose some of the truths on why your home is the perfect place and also give you some tips to help you get it ready for your session.
1) Comfort and familiarity
Clients may have some anxiety when it comes to traveling to a new space, especially with making photos that are more intimate in nature. Your home comes equipped with mostly everything that makes you feel safe and calm.
2) Options
Big or small, apartment or house, your home probably has more nooks and crannies to make beautiful images than you think. Photo studios or Airbnbs only afford one static location and look. This is the part where you trust your photographer’s eye to help guide you in this journey. Your space may have a bit more character than you think. It does not take much to dress up a space or make it more interesting than what you see daily. It’s the job of the photographer to help you realize that.
3) Budget (and that’s okay!)
Luxury hotel rooms are expensive! Studios are expensive! No sugar coating here. Someone who is watching their budget may opt for their home but can still have that “luxury” experience.
4) Give yourself a reason to clean
Are you ever aware of how you feel when your home is dirty? I know I thought we were talking boudoir, and we are, but this plays a big role in getting photo shoot ready. The cleaner your space the more confident you’ll feel about being in it. Try it. Pick up those socks. Hang that art you’ve been wanting to put up. Put away those clothes that are in the clean pile. Look at that! You have a floor!
5) Minimize the negative distractions
There are certain items in everyone’s household that will always detract for your photos. Remember photographers want your photos to emphasize you and not anything else. Small items such as clocks, small radios, waste baskets, personal photo frames, surge protectors, animal toys, human toys can be so distracting but easily put away until after the shoot. Even in the most “clean” houses I have had to do a quick spot check of these things before a shoot. Trust me, you do not think of these things until that Sony clock radio is beaming the time next to your elbow in a photo.
The first couple shots of these series were hampered by a clock radio in the corner left of this image on the night table. It was quickly banished so your eyes wouldn’t see digital numbers, just gorgeous human.
6) It’s all about the fabrics
You don’t have to purchase those 400 dollar Boll and Branch sheets to make your bed look fancy. Though, kudos to Boll and Branch sheets. They are comfy. A simple white comforter makes all the difference. Again, we want the focus to be on you so the more distracting the worse. You can even head to JoAnn Fabrics and pick up 3 yards of tulle in any color to dress up your bed. It looks great on camera and can be used in so many ways. I’ve even seen a woven hammock used to wrap someone’s bodice in. Your photographer can help you with the creative edge but remember, if it’s sheer and fabric, it’s going to work.
7) Windows are the eyes to the…lingerie?
If you feel like your house, apartment, pad just isn’t photogenic enough don’t worry. Most everyone I know owns a window, except if maybe you live Manhattan. Those are luxury. Windows though offer some great tricks. Remember that talk about sheer fabrics? This extends to curtains as well and if they aren’t blackout curtains they will do wonderful job diffusing light around you. Photographers have this phrase. It’s called “blowing out the highlights.” We won’t get technical here but it simply means overexposing(making brighter) the background so it looks pure white. This will give any space a glow and bath you in gorgeous light. This will essentially work at any time of day as well.
That’s a sliding glass door behind her!
8) Mirror mirror on the wall…
I am a huge fan of mirrors. Why? They double the space you’re in and also double you. Again, as I hammer this home. Boudoir is about you! So why not more of you? A simple mirror, big or small maximizes the artistic aspects of your shot. There really is countless ways you can angle it to create more of lovely you. You don’t need some large space to do this in either. Try focusing on different body parts or fogging it up by breathing on it for a very cool effect.
9) Boudoir just isn’t about the bedroom…
The essence of boudoir is intimate but the bedroom isn’t the only space you can have your session is. Almost any bathroom can have potential if it has some window light. Sorry New Yorkers. Kudos if you have a sheer shower curtain or frosted glass doors to your shower. Don’t have a window in the bathroom? You can still join the party New Yorkers. Candles work great. Here are a couple tips though. First, be careful. Fire can happen quickly. Place them away from anything flammable. Also, pro tip. Place them at body or eye level. When people have light coming from below or the floor it tends to make them look scary, like something out of a horror movie. But that also could be fun.
10) Boudoir just isn’t about the bedroom continued…
If you have access to your backyard or hey, a backyard, then environmental boudoir can be so fun. Give some green to your images or frolick out in the snow(yes it has happened). Those hedges you have bordering your house? Yep, they can be beautiful. That’s the magic of light. It makes something seemingly humdrum so beautiful. Just make sure your neighbors are okay with it. Who am I kidding? They will be.
11) Your entire wardrobe(and possibly your partner’s) is at your disposal
I never condone people buying clothing specifically for boudoir. It’s important you feel comfortable in what you’re wearing(or not wearing) and new pieces may just take some time to get used to. It’s best to work with the photographer to see what is flattering on you. Luckily you have your entire wardrobe with you. No packing a duffel bag and lugging it to the space along with shoes, jewelry etc. You’ll have options right at your disposal. Remember, it doesn’t need to be complicated. A white t-shirt can go a lot farther than you think.
Okay a black t-shirt. A black Ramones t-shirt.
12) These are strange times
Yes, as I write this we are still experiencing a pandemic. This comes with its own set of issues. Photographers have had to navigate a brave new world with social distancing, constantly fogging up viewfinders and limiting their teams to just the bare essentials to keep their clients safe. Your home may just be the best place to have your boudoir session. No traveling to funky places where you simply can’t verify the cleanliness or cleaning practices. Do you remember those “stay at home” orders last spring? Stay at home boudoir seems very reasonable to us now.
Your home affords you more flexibility than you think. When you go to schedule your session keep this list handy so you know what to expect when doing something in your personal living space. It may just surprise you. Boudoir is for everyone. Boudoir can be for any location you choose it to be.
To consider a boudoir package for you visit here.
Still have questions? Don’t hesitate to send me a note.
Considering a boudoir session? Here are some tips to make it more comfortable.
A boudoir session doesn’t have to be a difficult decision here are some much needed tips…
Boudoir can be scary. Almost any new experience comes attached with some trepidation. It’s alright! You’re not alone. My favorite part of this experience is helping clients build their confidence and ultimately construct a beautiful narrative that they control. If you are considering a boudoir session for yourself or your partner here are some helpful tips to give you the control to finally click that book button.
1) Define why you want to do this.
Many people book boudoir sessions for many different reasons. Ask yourself, Why am I doing this? Remember boudoir doesn’t have to be for anyone but you. Also, don’t put boudoir photos in a figurative box. They can be anything celebrating you and your body.
2) Find a photographer who has work that speaks to you.
This is super important. Look through someone’s portfolio. If it doesn’t speak to you, move on. You want to be happy with their aesthetic because it ultimately will be your aesthetic. If you’re looking for something specific find someone who will photograph you the way you want.
3) On the topic of photographers…
Every professional photographer should be clear and concise about how your experience with them should go. From the minute you book to the minute your photos are delivered you should have no reservations of what is the next step. A great boudoir photographer will make sure all your questions are asked before, during and after a session. Remember, there are no silly questions, just silly answers.
Personally, every one of my client receives a consultation that defines their goals for the session. I get to know what people are looking for, or if they have no idea, help them build a vision. Boudoir by Michael Jacobs also helps with location scouting and wardrobe selection. Speaking of wardrobe selection…
4) A t shirt is just as valuable as a lingerie set.
Boudoir wardrobe can be anything you want it to be. You can wear your birthday suit or a business suit. I never endorse people buying pieces before a shoot. Why? New garments sometimes take a while to feel comfortable in. I also do not like to endorse fast fashion. A sheer cloth, a piece of fabric and again, your birthday suit work just as well. So don’t overthink this step. Part of my job is helping you select what pieces work for you.
5) Boudoir is self care.
Have you taken a look outside lately? Yeah, things aren’t going the greatest. It’s good to have a bit of control over the things you want to do in life. Getting pampered for your day with hair and makeup and having a session all about you is the perfect way to take a bit of stress off. Look, you are going to have these images forever. They are a snapshot of yourself feeling absolutely awesome and looking wonderful. How is this not self care?
All Boudoir by Michael Jacobs sessions come with hair and makeup. There is no reason for you to be rushing around trying to get a fake eyelash on. Just relax, sip some champagne and feel relaxed.
6) The best time to book boudoir is now.
I hear it so much. “I want to lose 5lbs. I’m not there yet.” I desire everyone to feel comfortable during their session but in the end that weight focused goal won’t matter. We help you with posing and apparel that help flatter you. The goal is feeling beautiful at any weight. There is no weight requirement for boudoir. Only a confidence requirement. We will get you there together.
Below is an actual session with one of my former brides, Laurel. This was Laurel’s first time ever doing anything remotely like this. She’s an actress in New York and is unbelievably sweet and expressive. All the wardrobe was provided by her and we helped select what would work best in the space. Speaking of the space, this session was shot at “Fabulous Finds” which is a gorgeous, turn of the century, consignment shop in Belvidere, New Jersey. Remember, boudoir doesn’t have to just be in a bedroom. It can be in any unique space that celebrates you.
Hair and makeup by the master: Meeza Gee. Meeza’s website.
At the end of our shoot I let Laurel take the reigns and photograph herself. It was a nice way to give some power to the client. She became even more alive clowning around and just being adorable!
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